1. this evening sun.
{right before it disappeared.}
2. this calendar.
{for offering much-needed guidance for a very dark month.}
3. this rocketship.
{according to calder.}
4. this tree.
{better in person.}
5. these backup candles.
{especially in november.}
other things:
we have to expand our scope of moral concern.
no, you don’t remember it seeming kind of sagey last year.
every dopey “I’m definitely a man’s man” signifier you can ask for.
we are wired to show love through food, but also taught to apologize for loving food.
We put “kid” coffee table books out too! I love some of the writers suggestions. Some my family’s favorites included The Macmillan Visual Dictionary, Arms & Armor: Highlights from the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Star Wars Complete Vehicles, Countries of the World: Our World in Pictures, and The Way Things Work.