something to do that's more productive than making dollar bill butterflies!
let's raise some money for states during tonight's debate!
I don’t know that I have it in me to watch the presidential debates tonight. One of my children generously gave me their first-week-of-school head cold and so I’m already grumpy and irritable. I’m hardly feeling the need to be further demoralized.
But, since lots of folks in this country we call home will be tuning in and because some of you or your loved ones might even be planning to donate your hard-earned dollars toward the presidential campaign, spurred on by the performance of a rapidly unraveling goon, I thought it might be worth piping up with a reminder about a different kind of political giving that desperately needs support and where even relatively limited spending can go a really long way.
You guessed it: The States Project!
Since I launched the Tea Notes Giving Circle on August 1, we’ve raised $6,475 for North Carolina state legislature races. GO TEAM!
So tonight, instead of hand-wringing about the future of democracy while watching agog as a giant sh*tshow plays out on live television, I’m hoping we might raise some more dollars!
During tonight’s debate, please join me in inviting family, friends, and anyone else you think might be in the giving spirit, to spread their wealth to smaller political races that could have a very big impact on things like, oh, verifying election results that one candidate already seems hellbent on disputing.
Send the group chat a link to the TEA NOTES GIVING CIRCLE! Share it on Instagram! Send your dad an email! HI, DAD! Tell everyone at the bar where you’re putting your money! (Hint: Not on dumb drinking games!) Who knows, maybe we’ll even get to a solid $10k raised before election day?
More on the whys and hows of donating to small state races are all in this post:
Amazing work Erin!! Thank you for doing this.