An unfortunate side effect of having a book set to publish in three short weeks is that I keep on finding myself unable to sleep. Early yesterday morning, while eating the last mint Newman-O’s in the apartment, I read Sara Petersen and Virginia Sole-Smith’s conversation on the protein-infused influencing of the Ballerina Farm instagram account. That full story is available for anyone interested in raw egg consumption, but for me the conversation was mostly an entryway for falling into a familiar rabbit hole of things that annoy me on the internet.
While the minutes ticked by and the sky started to lighten, I kept myself awake scrolling through Ballerina Farm’s most recent catalog of works. I watched as her kids made mozzarella cheese and then pizza in an outdoor oven that they fed with wood they’d split themselves. I watched her make homemade graham crackers while holding a baby. I watched her pour simply decadent quantities of raw honey into sink-sized enamel bowls and plop globs of sourdough starter and raw milk into others.
I love this stuff.