So. So. Good. And especially loved when you said “I hope we can pause to listen. I don’t really mean here and I definitely don’t mean on social media where expansive nuance and good manners go to die, but I hope we manage to keep ourselves open for each other.” And also “I hope we can figure out ways to talk to each other that don’t presume the worst possible intentions and the least possible understanding of the factors at play.” I wish you’d write a third book ❤️

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Canadian here. And of course we can see the issues in your two party system. Your system is flawed and, with your population, I am sure there are brilliant minds both parties could appoint instead of the choices you have. But just be careful about wanting a multi-party system. We do and currently have a government which 70% want gone (and that hasn’t won the popular vote since 2015 but has had full power). We cannot impeach in our system. Because a minority party (who’s support plunged 50% during the same time) is backing up the government and giving them full power for four years we can’t get an election called (although minority governments should last 1-1.5 years). Our standard of living dropped from 5th in the world 33rd since 2015. We are not doing well. Nice words and catchphrases don’t keep people healthy and happy. A two party system is flawed but maybe less prone to abuse I would think (hope?). And nice words don’t mitigate the fact that a country is an ecosystem and the rules of science apply - pretty ideas don’t change economic realities. Economists are boring sorts that fiddle with realities and numbers. But they architect healthy ecosystems. Trite words and catch phrases do not. The next generation of Canadian adults now will have less/be worse off than the generation before for the first time in our history. We are not okay. So use your system to hold politicians to account. Do it!!! Fight. And look for the boring ones who get governance and math and maybe don’t look pretty and say nice things. Trust me. Canadians are watching. For hope and for a potential escape plan.

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I wish I saw this before my year subscription auto-renewed. It's exhausting trying to avoid giving money to people that think the genocide of home country isn't a line in the sand.

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I'm sorry the message of this piece wasn't able to reach you. I don't think making a strategic vote for a presidential candidate condones or accelerates genocide but I understand that you do. If you'd like to send me a note with your email address I'd be happy to refund your subscription.

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And I'm sorry the pleas of Palestinians weren't able to reach you. When Harris continues sending weapons to Israel, just know that's what you encouraged other people to vote for. But Mussolini kept the trains running on time, so who cares what he was doing outside Italy, right?

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Thank you for this, Erin.

Unrelated to this, you had mentioned someone's writing on minimalism (and self-denial, maybe) a few weeks ago either here or on Instagram. I've been looking for that with no luck. I wish I could say more about it, but I didn't have time to read it then and I wanted to go back to it. Any help finding it would be really appreciated! Sorry to be so vague about the details.

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Thank you Erin!

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I think you may mean Virginia Sole Smith and her assertion that minimalism is diet culture.

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Yes! Thank you Kim.

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I really liked this thoughtful and well-written post! Thank you again Erin for yet again articulating thoughts and feelings I've had for years. I came to the same conclusion awhile ago to try not to be frustrated and annoyed about contrary (and sometimes, I felt, dangerous) opinions and to adopt a curious and listening approach. It has not been easy (and on more topics than elections), but has been more helpful. Minds are very hard to change. Being in Canada, I still follow U.S. elections closely, because if you don't think it affects us directly (and many of my fellow countrypersons don't think it does) it does indeed. We are also having issues here with our lack of stellar leadership which I think it a World problem. We all need to be the change we want to see. I get involved wherever I'm able.

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Agree with and appreciate your thoughtful post. Thank you.

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Very thoughtful analysis. While I swore to myself 4 years ago I would stop arguing with people online, this current election cycle is testing that resolve! I don't think there's any getting through to people who continue to support Trump, even now, after everything he's done and everything we've lost, but what's baffling me this time around are the people who claim not voting is the best way to go. It's so frustratingly short-sighted. Palestinians have come out and said they would prefer Harris over Trump; anyone not voting based on Palestine is directly ignoring what the people themselves have said, not to mention entirely ignoring Trump's "finish the job" comments. I don't get putting short-sighted idealistic notions over the lives of actual human beings, not to mention our basic human rights and the very real threat of an incoming dictatorship. I don't get it.

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The calming effect of a canoe in a Maine lake tempers your reasonable and rational analysis. Somehow I am having a harder time with eloquence in the summer heat of the city...maybe I just need a vacation. When a woman's basic rights are on the ballot, setting aside mass deportations of my neighbors and friends because of their "status", I am having a difficult time articulating why "taxes" or "smaller government" should be a consideration. Maybe I can quote your rationale or direct my detractors to your Substack. Really delightful post.

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Agreed! Politicians are not perfect, and I can’t imagine I’ll ever find one with whom I agree on every decision. And yet there’s a good enough politician, who is able to bring together enough votes to be elected, and with whom I’ll agree on more than I disagree (or denounce, as it were). My dad always talks about the importance of voting in every election, even if for imperfect candidates, “they might not be my dream elected official, but they have power and influence, and, ultimately, our president determines who will be in the Supreme Court.” So I think about it this way: would I rather have a justice picked by Harris or Trump? To me, it’s a no brainer. And for the things that I wish Harris would reevaluate, I can advocate and draw attention to through my voice and local elected officials and senators/representatives.

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Organizing the candidate, yes. We can do it together! ❤️

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Another banger, Erin. My tiktok algorithm is full of leftists admitting that Kamala Harris is their best option (maybe they'll get their leftist cards taken away, we will see) and formerly Republican women talking about what made them see the light and why they are voting for Kamala Harris too. And did you see the 500 golf cart parade at the Villages in Florida for her!? Needless to say, tiktok knows what I like to see and it's very inspiring at the moment.

Excited to vote for her next fall, and it's also been really fun learning more about some of her potential running mates. I had no idea that the MN governor was such a treasure, and Mayor Pete is on fire too.

Let's just hope there is some way of moving alllll of them away from our disaster of epic proportions Israel policy.

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Thanks, Erin, for this thoughtful post. Agreed that we need to engage our friends and neighbors in sometimes difficult discussions. I have struggled with how to respond to statements like, "Things would be better if women ran the world," from people, who in local elections, have opted to vote for the same feckless male candidates because they have "experience," rather than the progressive women candidates who were also running. Pointing this out, or responding with frustration hasn't gotten me anywhere. Instead, I've decided to adopt an attitude of curiosity and just ask questions.

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Thoughtful and wise.

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Very smart analysis. I think that there is a lot of space for good-faith debate and different principled decisions about how to vote in this election given the stakes--personally I'll be voting for Harris--and also agree that what is most important of all is for people who care about other people to remain engaged in ways that motivate them, be honest with each other, have compassion for and interest in what one another are saying, listen, and keep moving forward.

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Erin, well put.

I'm putting a lot of my political investment in 2024 behind the Voter Participation Center, a 501c-3 that is effective at both registering and getting out the vote in three targeted demographics 1) people of color, 2) young people, and 3) single women. All three share the characteristic of tilting heavily toward voting for Democratic candidates.


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