I have had to stay off of the news sites. It's so stressful that I just want to walk around my house all day and cry. Of course this isn't helpful but this is how I have felt. My son and I voted on the first day of early voting in North Carolina and I am working the polls.

A lot of my time is wasted checking flights on Google flights for the best country to flee to if things go south😳

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I’ve been scrolling through the Substack app. It’s so refreshing compared to scrolling social media. I think because I’m only subscribed to a few newsletters that I love I’m only seeing recommendations from authors whose message I enjoy (social justice oriented, non consumerist, gentle, feminist etc). I’m really trying to stay off social media as I’m a marketer’s dream. Those targeted ads get me every time when I’m feeling worried or bored.

Hoping for positive results on Tuesday and reminding myself that the fight continues no matter who wins.

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Sending love and good vibes to all of the Americans feeling this terrible election anxiety right now. I admit I'm feeling it too up here in Canada because of course, your country affects ours as well. <3

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In a terrible strategy I recommend to no one, I am channeling my anxiety into buying useless beauty products, like a $5 dandruff comb that picks up your scalp gunk and then spits it back out at you. I'm also writing postcards to swing state voters and donating to your giving circle and making sure friends know I'm available for childcare should they need it while voting. But mostly I'm buying things, and planning to log off social media and use my phone only for emergencies in the few days surrounding the election.

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logging off social media rly needs to be my next step.

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Today the Giving Circle ended and coincidentally needed my help volunteering at the kids' school newspaper club which ballooned and too much for 2 teachers. I am scared of kids en masse but I was asked so it's good to be useful.

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oh god newspaper club. i'm pretty sure i can hear that meeting from here.

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My main job was gently taking iPads from everyone’s hands so they’d listen

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I've donated to your giving circle every time you posted about it! Also just got my boss to donate several thousand to the States Project. Wrote 400 postcards (with the help of my 9-year-old) to registered Democrats in PA. Early voted. Continuing to make sure all my NYC friends and neighbors know how to vote on the ballot measures. Because if things don't go our way next week, I sure as hell don't want to regret not having done more!! xox

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Gah, I’m so grateful!

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And I'm grateful for all the work you're doing this election season! My son adores your book, loved making paper boxes with you in the spring, and always says "Maybe we'll see Erin!" whenever we're in southeastern CT or Brooklyn. 😂 So, thanks for everything you do to make our lives more wonderful!

(PS, Also trying to make sure people know they are appreciated as a way to feel less terrible.)

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MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. this is the nicest thing to know!

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My angst is so high, especially as I live in a place where every vote counts. (NC) Right now, I'm throwing all my free time into volunteering with a GOTV organization called Bull City Votes, which is taking people to the polls for early voting here in Durham, NC. I've personally organized three low-income senior centers that we are going to take to vote on Friday. It may not be enough, but I know it's something. Also: going for runs and not looking at the news.

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Sounds like an A+ plan!

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