Groundbreaking ideas and solutions journalism about how we care for our families and communities. Subscribe now for updates on my new program, the How to Find Your People Club, coming in 2025.
A weird newsletter about all the midlife things: kids, parents, food, sex, holidays, rage, and sweating at night, by the author of Waiting for Birdy and We All Want Impossible Things.
From the soul of a folk herbalist: heartfelt musings and ever-widening circles of care. Rituals to honor life’s sacred rhythms—living, being, and dying—rooted in reciprocity with the wild & unseen, the wisdom of plants, & the spiritual songlines of Earth.
Hi! I’m Meg Conley. I write about the intersection of capitalism, culture and care work at Pocket Observatory. Select essays are republished to Substack. If you'd like to receive my official (FREE) newsletter, subscribe here + I'll take care of the rest!
Sharing tales of multigenerational living in the USA & co-stewardship in France. Small(er) space consultant, designer & writer. Author of Small Space Style.
It's me, Kate Schatz, bringing you brief profiles and interviews with very cool people whose impactful work gives me—and others!—hope, inspiration, and joy. I love what they're doing, and I hope you will too.
A home & garden newsletter about small spaces, sustainable living, and all the joys (and pains!) of living with less from Laura Fenton, the author of The Little Book of Living Small.
Step into our salad laboratory. We got your leafy greens, your grains, your veg, and protein. Plus: salady guests, salady books & recipes, recipes, recipes 🥗
READ.LOOK.THINK. is an email newsletter for writers and readers by London-based Australian novelist Jessica Stanley. Sent out every three or four weeks, each edition links to scores of essays, books, recipes, podcasts, interiors and more.
Essays, criticism, and interviews on food, culture, and media sent out on Monday morning. Paid subscribers receive additional posts on Fridays and have access to commenting, the recipe archive, and more.