Jun 29Liked by Erin Boyle

At every bulk store there would be a shelf of clean glass jars up for grabs.

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Jun 29Liked by Erin Boyle

There would be a box outside every grocery store for you to leave your reusable shopping bags or take one if you forgot one.

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Jun 28Liked by Erin Boyle

Every playground would be next to a place where a parent could get a beverage and a muffin or a banana, and sit outside in the shade.

YES to everyone having to use the same jar glue as Bonne Maman

It'd be easy to get your deposit back for your cans and bottles right at the grocery store (like in Oregon!)

Every first Monday of the month you could put all the free crap you want to give away on your stoop and we'd all deal with the clutter for 24 hours bc we're reusing and recycling things (i think germans do this)

Everyone would agree that Palestine should be free and families belong together

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I love all of yours Erin!

All healthcare providers would have a place children can hang out while their parents to go in for pap smears (or any other procedure).

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Jun 28Liked by Erin Boyle

No invasive plants sold in nurseries and all pots returnable to said nurseries. Working on my garden here in Portland OR!

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I feel this so hard! I'm also in Portland, and cannot believe that vinca minor is sold at pretty much every nursery.

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The pots! Yes!

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Jun 28Liked by Erin Boyle

All the things you've all said plus:

No litter ANYWHERE, def a ban disposable water bottles

All neighbours (not just me and Jane) pick up garbage that escapes on windy recycle days or if your bin tips over. On all our streets. Maybe one day I won't have to bring a bag with me to pick up on my walks.

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Jun 29Liked by Erin Boyle

I love this! ‘Not just me and Jane’ feels like a very appropriate catch-cry for many neighbourly activities

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There will be ample, clean public drinking fountains for easy water bottle refilling, preferably attached to elegant stone aquifer structures in shady squares (see, for example, the public faucets I was charmed by in Venice in 2016).

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the dream.

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Jun 28Liked by Erin Boyle

The t-shirt return!! I’m going to start asking sports leagues for this option.

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Jun 28Liked by Erin Boyle

who in a family of 5 would get that sixth ice cream sandwich? 😈

Also, I pictured you as Alice in the 1950s Disney... "In a world of my own... 🎶"

I would add no mowed grass around the highway. Native plants + flowers only

All takeout Styrofoam containers banned! Compostable only

Also! No Styrofoam at all! No packing peanuts, no packaging. Most new sellers (fancy face potions) use them but I come across styrofoam on eBay.

Grocery store liquids would come in glass that could be turned back in for a credit

Sunscreen packaging wouldn't default to plastic

People would use the trash bins at my beloved lake Erie beaches

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ha! I knew it!

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Jun 28Liked by Erin Boyle

Fully support all these ideas. Erin for Pres!

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Streets built for people, and the occasional bikes, not for cars.

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Jun 28Liked by Erin Boyle

and also livable, walkable streets with different scales of buildings and local/useful stores, less pot and vape shops

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yes! was just today lamenting that my kids would have sooooo much room to play if the street wasn’t a veritable parking lot!

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Jun 28Liked by Erin Boyle

Fewer grass lawns more native plants and food sources.

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